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6 members

NATTOINT consists of 6 members.

150+ Users

More than 150+ users know us.

1 Site

Right now, Skydrel is the first company under NATTOINT

Our Services

Skydrel is a classified ads website designed by NATTOINT. It is a buy & sell platform in Bhutan.

Damphu CS SUPW

It is a website based app which is under process of development. It is for SUPW points grading for Damphu CS, Tsirang.


Anonymous website which is in the process of building.


Nattoint is a company founded by six individuals with a shared vision and entrepreneurial spirit. Our first venture, Skydrel, the first classified ads website of Bhutan connects people who want to buy and sell goods and services. But that’s just the beginning. Nattoint has exciting plans for the future, with many more projects in the works. We believe in innovation and making a positive impact in our communities. Stay tuned as we continue to grow and launch new ventures that aim to improve lives and shape the future.

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